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We're BACK!!

HELLO!! I know we have been gone for awhile but a lot has happened! We went on vacation and a pandemic hit... one counterpart went through several jobs... we bought a house... two new cars... there has been a lot going on and we have been busy!!

BUT we will be attending Flint Pride tomorrow (June 24th) and selling not only "Double-Edged War" but also several books written by our two parts!

That's right! In the time that we've been away we've also been working on our own things. KD Ellis has been writing like crazy and published multiple MM Romance books under her pen name KD Ellis. You should totally go check them out on her website:

The other side, author Nevah Ann, just published her first story "When All Else Fears" which takes place in the same world as "Double-Edged War". She is also finishing edits on two other novels which should be published by the end of the year.

Don't worry though, we are coming back to Ruins of War! Our own projects have just taken up some time.

In the next few months, the website will be getting an update and some new things added! Come back for some updates and some new things!

And come say hello to us at Flint Pride!


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