Thank you! Thank you!

The first book in the new Ruins of War series, Double-Edged War, was released on March 14th. We are super excited at how much support we've gotten from everyone. As of today we have sold six bundles which is 12 books and 51 Kindle copies!
Our goal for the year was to sell at least 100 and so far we are at 63 before the first month! We will never be able to express how grateful we are to everyone. We ask if you have read the book to please leave a review either on Amazon or GoodReads
If you haven't gotten your copy yet, there are so many ways you can. Available both in Kindle or Paperback.
Kindle -
As many of you know Double-Edged War is one story told from two points of view. You can purchase each view separate on Amazon for $3.99
or you can purchase both stories for one low price of $5.99
Paperback -
You can purchase each book in paperback from Amazon for $14.99
or you can purchase them from us as a bundle at $19.99 PLUS they will be signed - You can also purchase single signed copies from us at $14.99