Species Spotlight - Vampires

One of the great things about writing fantasy is making up the world that your stories are set in. This means you get to change the rules and determine how things are.
It also means creating different species and beings. Fans of the fantasy genre know that there are hundreds of different vampires out there. And with them, multiple sets of rules. In some stories, vampires can’t go into the sun, or eat garlic. In some they aren’t allowed into a house without being invited or they turn to dust when killed. Some stories have vampires sparkling and never aging, or they can turn into animals. With all the rules out there about one species, it’s important to assure the fantasy world you set up have the rules of the species set. Good writings have them weaved into the story.
In the first book of our series, Double-Edged War, you meet the vampires of our world. For those of you who read the story, you’ll notice somethings right off. Some topics are discussed between the characters and some questions are likely still not answered. So, for today’s blog, we’re going to give you an inside scoop on the vampires of Bound in Blood and Shadows.
First – Vampires are born. Yup, most vampires in the world are products of two vampire parents. Long time ago, it was declared a crime to turn a human into a vampire (though it still happens, of course). Vampires who were turned are a different topic for a later date, though some of the rules are the same.
Born Vampires age, just at a slower rate. Vampires, like many species, count their ages as cycles. One vampire cycle is equal to six human years. (Meaning a vampire mother carrying a vampire father’s child is pregnant for four years and six months).
Vampires can go out in the sun and eat garlic, but it’s not always something they enjoy doing. If you had enhanced eye sight and enhanced smell would you want to be outside on a super sunny day or near really smelly garlic? Likely not.
One of my favorite questions has always been, “Does a stake in the heart kill your vampires?” Well… pretty sure something pointy hitting just about anyone’s heart would kill them so… yes… likely they would die. But there are other ways to kill a vampire. They aren’t immortal, they just have faster healing rates than humans. Most things will be healed before it kills them. Born vampires can also die of old age. (Many… many… MANY years down the road).
There are a few others neat little things about vampires, but those little pieces of information will be given when you read the series.
For now, thank you for reading and come back for another Species Spotlight to learn more about the creatures that roam in our world.